I'm not exactly sure when it happened, when my family and I turned down this road that were on. I do know that we've been on it longer than we think. It's a road that only we have been down. I know this because we are the ones "blazing the trail" so to speak. Others we know have been down similar roads, but they mostly seem to run parallel with ours. On occasion there is a slight intersection where we both stop and give each other a nod. Sort of letting each other know, "hey, though you're on your own journey, you're not alone out here".
I think it all started about two to three years ago, I wrote about it
here. A new love for the Bible was really the catalyst for this whole journey that my family and I are on. It's the reason why we're on this particular road at this particular time in our lives and for a particular reason for which I do not yet have all the answers to quite yet.
I'm thirty one years old and about thirty years ago my parents started attending a small Baptist church in the town I live in. Since then that church has turned into a rather large Baptist church that has seen and still does see many great things happen for the Gospel of Jesus. My parents still attend there and up until two weeks ago so did my family, and this is the journey that we are on.
Like I said, I've been going there for many years, my wife became a member there shortly before we were married back in 1998. It's the only church our two kids have ever known. It truly was our home and we are going to miss it. I'm not going to get into all the reasons as to why we left our church home, but I can share one reason as to why we had to leave.
One of the reasons ended up being ourselves. We started noticing that we were very comfortable with where we were at when it came to church. It was easy to come to church on a Sunday or Wednesday, serve where we were called and then leave. We had a routine, and because of where we served within the ministry, routine and program was the norm.
We had come to a point that, for whatever reasons, our ministry became stagnate. Sure, we did what the Lord wanted us to do and we saw many things get accomplished for him, but for the most part we found ourselves spinning our wheels and getting frustrated.
We fought it for a while and really didn't want to face the fact that leaving our church home may be the only way to remedy the problem we found ourselves in. After all we really loved our church family and the ministry, we still do.
You may think that our reason for leaving may have been easily solved and you're right, if that where the only reason for our leaving. However ,like I stated earlier, I can't give all the reasons.
So what's next for us? Well, we're just going to keep praying and seeking Gods will for our lives. We have been to a couple churches in town that we have liked very much. Now we're praying about where God would have us to serve next.
I say all this for two reasons. First, don't allow yourself to get to comfortable in your Christian walk. Being comfortable makes you a lazy Christian. Look for ways that God is challenging your faith and your service. For us it was to find a new church home. Second, follow Gods leading in your life, the sooner you do the better. The faster you see God leading you into or out of something and the faster you obey, the better off and less frustrated you'll be. I know that's easier said than done, believe me I just went through it, but you'll be better off in the end.