We last left Jonah somewhere on a beach just having been vomited out of the stomach of a great fish. Now we come to chapter three and here are the observations that we made.
Observations from Jonah chapter 3:
-God gives Jonah a second chance
-This time Jonah goes without complaint or question (at least he did not verbalize it)
-Nineveh was a great city
-An eight word sermon was all God wanted Jonah to preach
-The king and all the people believed God (not Jonah)
-The king decrees it and all the people humble themselves, put on sackcloth, sit in ashes and repent of their sin
-The people only hope that God will see their efforts and will relent his punishment
-God does indeed notice their humility and repentance and does not destroy the city
Jonahs delayed obedience is still disobedience in the sight of God. Thankfully for Jonah, and us, God is a God of second chances. How often does God ask us to share the gospel with others and we run from what he asks. Like Jonahs short simple sermon the gospel of Jesus is simple but we need to be ready and willing to share it with anyone. Just like the people of Nineveh and the mariners from chapter 1, no one is beyond receiving Gods grace.