However, over the last two years my interests have changed from being self centered and self serving, to being Christ centered and Christ and people serving and there is one key factor that I can put my finger on to account for this change. I fell in love with the Bible!
Sure, I was raised in a Christian home, my dad has been a deacon for as long as I can remember, and the Bible was always present in my life. But in the last two years my faith has really become my own. It wasn't until I was introduced to the Inductive Bible Study Method, that I started to really read the Bible for what it actually says and not just taking someones word for it as to what it says and what it means. It wasn't the method, but seeing the scriptures in a different way than I ever had before that caused me to fall in love with the Bible.
The more I studied the scriptures the more I noticed my interests, thought life, and relationships started changing. The scriptures were changing me simply by reading it and allowing it to speak to me.
I still enjoy doing the things I was once interested in, especially making out with my girlfriend(still my wife), but they are in the priority they should be. I challenge you to daily read the scriptures, let them speak to you, and then act on what it calls you to do as a follower of Jesus.
For more information on the inductive Bible study method go to Thirsty Tree
Hilarious and informative. That's my kind of writing.
What can I say? I think you said it all perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
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