So, the other day I decided to write out the process of how I came to faith in Christ. I did this for one reason in particular but found it to be a very helpful process. I was able to see where I had come from and how over the years I had grown in my faith. It was very encouraging as well as humbling to see areas where I really need to work on in my life. I just want to encourage anyone who reads this to try it out. Take some time to put on paper the journey of your life of faith. If anything, in the end, you'll be better prepared to answer when someone asks about your story! If you would like, please share it here in the comments section.
Below in a shortened version of my story.
My Story
I grew up in a Christian home. Both my parents are saved and made sure that church and God were high priorities for our family. Like so many kids who grow up in church, I heard a teacher talking about hell. I didn't really know or understand much about it, but it sounded bad and I got really scared. So one evening I asked my parents how I could go to Heaven because I was rather certain I didn't want to go to hell. Like a lot of well meaning parents they told me to repeat this prayer after them and I would be saved. So I did.
I spent the next 10-12 years doing what any kid does that grows up in church: I went to church every time the doors were open, and sat through countless sermons and special conferences. I had as much information downloaded into my head as I could. I knew all the right answers, how to act and what exactly I should believe, but not always or hardly ever why. It wasn't until sometime in my late teens that I realized something didn't seem right.
I felt God really pressing in on me. I looked at my "Christian walk" and realized I really didn't have one. I had spent years conforming to a pattern of behavior and not into a image barer of Christ. The pull of God on my life became too great and I could no longer resist the grace that he was offering. Like before, I had prayed a prayer. It wasn't some memorized predetermined prayer. It was a prayer of repentance and thankfulness. That's when God saved me.
Over the course of the next 10 years I grew in my faith. Looking back, the growth that I saw was small. God had saved me, I knew that but it still seemed like I was really living my parents faith and not my own. It wasn't until my mid 20's when all that started to change. I started asking questions of why I believed some of the things I did. I asked these questions not just of myself but of pastors too. With none of the answers I was getting making sense, I started really reading my Bible.
I always had read my Bible, but this was different. God gave me a passion to really study his word. To find out what it is God actually said concerning the things I had been asking questions about. Since Gad has given me this passion for his word I come to hold it in a much higher regard than ever before. It's also given me a passion for right doctrine and it put a weight on me to make sure I handle Gods word with care. I love God and my Bible. I'm so thankful for what Christ had done for me on the cross.