If you have never followed bodybuilding then you have no idea who the guy above is. His name is Dorian Yates and during the 1990's he won the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding championship 6 times. In the world of bodybuilding the Mr. Olympia is the big one. It's the title that all professional bodybuilders strive for and to win it more than once is amazing!
I found the caption on each of the pictures rather interesting. The picture from 1985 is entitled "Hope". Hope seems like an odd title to put on a picture of a guy who is already bigger than most people on the planet. Hope infers that there is more to come, maybe something better than what is current. Like I said, it seems weird to label the first picture hope. Most would feel like they have arrived if they achieved the physic displayed in the first picture.
When you look at the second picture it is entitled "Glory". Most would say that he certainly has achieved full glory in what he was pursuing. In this case and in the context of bodybuilding, yes he has obtained the full glory the sport of bodybuilding has. Of course this didn't all happen overnight, at some weekend bodybuilding retreat or even because his parents were physically fit.
Well, I'm sure there's some sort of spiritual application in here somewhere.