"The single biggest mistake that most beginners make is putting 100% of their effort into the positive (concentric) part of the rep, while paying no attention to the negative (eccentric) segment."-Dorian Yates 6-Time Mr. Olympia
What a great quote and after lifting for a number of years I can say it's 100% true! I also think that this principal applies to our spiritual lives as well as it pertains to our joy. Notice I said joy and not happiness.God is more concerned with our joy in Christ than he is with our happiness. Nehemiah 8:9-11 talks about how the joy of the Lord is our strength. Christ is the source of our joy. It is this joy that gives us the strength to get through troubled times in our lives. So lets get back to the quote.
When it comes to our spiritual lives I'm not saying that we need to have such a focus on a negative time of life that all we are doing is wallowing in our self pity, continually grumbling about our current circumstance that we find ourselves in. What I am saying is, is that we have been brought into our current circumstance for a reason. Our focus should be to learn what God would have for us in that circumstance therefore growing us into the men & women of faith that he would have us to be. It's in that learning and growth where we find our joy.
I tell people, "don't be to quick to try and remove yourself from a situation that might be making you uncomfortable. God is molding, stretching, and shaping you for something. You don't want to go into what he has next for you unprepared."
So then, what is God bringing you through? Or better yet, what is God teaching and preparing you for?