Of course that is not how that verse reads in scripture, but if it was, most churches would be following that text perfectly.
I've been serving in teen ministries now for almost thirteen years and I've seen the above "verse" played out on several different occasions. This is usually the way it goes down. A teen comes into the youth ministry, either on their own or by way of their parents dragging them there. We tell them that they are sinners that they need to get saved or else they are going to burn in an eternal hell separated from God. Then we lead them through some silly prayer that may mean absolutely nothing to them at any sort of level. Then we congratulate and welcome them to the family of God, all without any sort of repentance on their part. Then the weirdness begins.
Once their "saved", we tell them all the things that they need to do to be in right standing with God. As if Jesus' grace, mercy and blood shed on the cross wasn't enough. We tell them, "OK, here is how you need to act", "This is what you need to do", "Here is how you should dress" and "here is a big, thick, heavy, black, 1611 King James Bible, the only Bible you should ever read". We tell them these things and they assume that God must want them to do all this because those who told them have been in church all their lives, and they should know.
Here is the problem with all this, they have been conformed to a pattern of behavior but have not been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. There has been no true repentance or transformation of their hearts. We would rather get them to the point of being "good church folk" then just preach the gospel into their lives and let God renew their hearts, souls and minds.
If this continues out to adulthood, eventually we'll have churches full of really good and moral people on their way to hell.
If you're a Pastor or teacher, please let me beg you not to add to the gospel. This does not mean that we can't or shouldn't have some sort of standards. Or have some sort of idea of what is acceptable or moral behavior. We just need to be sure that we keep the gospel primary and let the power it holds be the power that transforms lives.
1 comment:
I was so ready to leave my comment, and then you nailed it in the 2nd to last paragraph. That is exactly why Jesus is going to be very busy saying, "I never knew you," to a bunch of church people.
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