Wow, has it really been since August! When I started this blog I never wanted to become some forgotten about corner on the web. I felt like this was my little corner of the cyber world. A place to share my thoughts, ideas, reflect on things I've learned and maybe even rant at times. I also felt that if I wasn't contributing to it at least a few times a month then nothing really must be going on in my life. Actually, just the opposite has been true!
I've really had so much going on, I really didn't take time to stop, slow down and share what God has been doing. So what has been going on and what exactly has God been teaching me? Glad you asked! I'll try to sum it up in one word and then explain it briefly.
In a word: Running or Run. Yes, it's something I've been doing a lot of the last 6-7 months. It may not be a lot to some people, but I've put in almost 400 miles during that time. The time running has given me a lot of opportunities to talk to God and for him to talk to me as well. One thing I've learned, never disqualify an occasion as one that God might speak to you. Sometimes he waits to speak until mile 12 and then I reminded to stay strong, focus, finish the race. Knowing that he's not talking only about my current physical condition but also my spiritual one.
The apostle Paul had it right so many times when he equated the Christian life to a race! I've come to understand this analogy more and more. Especially when I find myself saying "he waits to speak until mile 12". Another thing I've learned, and yes it's been through running, is that I am my worst opponent.
When running, it's easy to fall into the trap of talking yourself into stopping. After all I deserve it, I've ran strong up to this point, I could use a break. It's all down hill from there. You actually remain stronger in the end if you don't stop!
I was recently reminded of this verse: Galatians 5:7 (ESV) You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? Sadly much of the time we hinder ourselves.
I'll end this with one final thought. This statement or words of wisdom came from the most unexpected person and has stuck with me for more than 18 years. It came from my high school cross country coach, Clarence Vandenbosch, we called him "Bosch".
He said: "Listen to me Charles, that first decision to stop running is easy and it only gets easier after that."