About 4 times a week I choose to go down into my dungeon (home gym) and put my body through various trials. I've been working out for the last twelve years and I'm still not sure why. I guess there could be a few reasons for it. One, I'm a glutton for punishment. Two, genetics suck! Or three, I know that in the long run it is the best thing for my health and even though there is some pain that goes along with it, I'll be stronger and better off for putting myself through it. It really hurts the most when I'm lifting for those big gains, but I know that with pain comes growth.
Often times we find ourselves going through one trial or another and we're not really sure why. For some it may be because of some bad choices that have been made and now the consequences have come calling. Or it may be that God has allowed something to take place and some hardships ensue.
With either of these two scenarios there is no doubt some level of pain or discomfort to take place. The pain can take place in many different forms. It could be in the form of something physical, like cancer. It could be in the form of finances, such as a loss of a job. Regardless the reason or the form of the pain there is always something that can be learned from it.
Whenever we make a dumb choice and suffer the consequences for it, the lesson learned is obvious, don't make that or similar choices again. We can always learn from our mistakes. But what about those times when pain or hardship comes and we're not sure how we got there or why it's taking place?
I like to consider these times the time to make those big gains spiritually. God allows things to happen in our lives for a few reasons. One, to grow us or stretch us in our faith and dependence on him. Two, God wants to teach us something so that we might know him more. Or three, God wants to do something through us so that in the end he will be glorified and be made much of.
What ever the reason for the hard times or pain, we can be sure that it is for our good and for Gods glory. Just like with our physical bodies, we can't grow without some level of pain, spiritual growth may also come with a level of pain as well. We should embrace those hard time, know that God is in control, learn what God has for us, and draw closer to him.
I had mentioned earlier the this the verses in James 1 verses 2&3 was an evolution of the human condition. We are evolving, going through hard times, growing in our faith and hopefully becoming more Christ like. This process will continue until the the end when Christ will make us as he is. Until then, trust in God, grow in your faith and know that he is foe=rever in control.