So far there have been many things that have struck home with me, but there seems to be a few things that constantly come up.
First is that Jesus and his disciples worked and served like crazy sometime without even time to eat. However after the work at hand was done they would try to get away to rest and prepare for the next go around. I say try to get away because even when they did arrive to the destination of rest, there was always a multitude of people waiting to be taught, healed or looking for something to eat.
Secondly, Jesus, no matter how much he ministered to people and no matter how tired he was, he was always moved with compassion on the crowed that gathered around him. It's almost as though he can't not serve people.
The last observation has to do with the disciples. They just didn't get it! No matter how many people Jesus fed, healed, or even raised from the dead his disciple still did not understand who Jesus was. Often Jesus did get on their cases for not getting this. Their lack of faith hindered them from being and doing all Jesus had for them.
Take a few minutes and read the first six chapters of the book of Mark, look for these and other observations and think about how they might apply to you.