Perry talks about it a bit in the sermon, but I need to echo it because it's something that I have felt strongly about for years. What he mentions is the fact that so many preachers hammer on alcohol as if it were a sin, when they themselves are so out of shape, they are out of breath just from walking up to the pulpit!
While drinking alcohol and eating are not sins, getting drunk and being a glutton is sin. This really is a heart problem. One of the fruits of the spirit is self control but when someone allows alcohol or food to take control of there lives they have given up that self control and have given in to sin.
As Christians our bodies are temples of God, we need to keep them in the best shape as we can. Perry also had a few health related blogs last week too, check them out here. We can't make a lasting impact for Christ if we are dead from alcohol poisoning or clogged veins. By the way the bodybuilder pictured above is Lee Priest, one of the best in the world.