Hard to believe but it's been 30 years since Lego Man showed up on the scene. For 30 years kids have been playing with Lego's and building castles for Lego Man to protect and spaceships for him to ride in. A lot of creativity and imagination went into building those things and today we as Christians should be using way more creativity than that when it comes to getting people into the church and ministering to them. Yep, we should be using every idea and creative way we can think of to draw people into church so that we may be able to introduce them to Jesus.
I know what many may think, "All the church needs to do is preach Jesus and people will come, we don't need to have flashy lights, loud music, and and lots of technology to get people into church, just Jesus! We don't need to offer anything but Jesus!" To that I say "Are you nuts!!" John 15:18 says "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you." Non-Christians don't want Jesus, that's why they are non-Christians. They have to be told of and see their need for Jesus and know that he is their only hope. It's our job to share the gospel with those around us and use any appropriate method to draw them into church so they can hear the gospel and be ministered to. Even Jesus used different methods to draw a crowd.
Really, Jesus too compelled people to come listen to the gospel. Of course his methods were a bit different. They were timely for the culture he was in. Think about it, there were crowds that followed Jesus, multitudes the Bible tells us, and you can't tell me that everyone that followed Christ was an actual follower of Christ. No way, many followed because they knew he could meet a need of theirs. For some it might have been the need a healing touch, a meal, or a need to reconnect with a loved one that passed away. Whatever it was Jesus was there to meet the needs of people, but why he was meeting their needs, he also taught them about sin, repentance, and their need for a savior.
The mission and the message has not changed, but the means have. For some just preaching Jesus is all it will take, for others it might take years of ministering and showing them the love of Christ before they see their need for him and for others it might just take sweet technology, flashy lights and loud music. Point is, we need to use whatever appropriate means to get the Gospel out to people.