All through middle and high school, from November to March, I wrestled. OK, here is where you can make fun of the uniforms but if you do I guess you were just not man enough to wear them.
There are many fundamentals when it comes to wrestling but there was one that was taught and then always pounded into our heads, sometimes literally. It was that whenever you were on your feet you always wanted to gain control of your opponents head. You did this by "locking up" and grabbing the back of your opponents head. From this position you had a few options open to you. You can either snap their head down to the mat, slap the back of their head with the palm of your hand, or grab at the base of their head and pull them where you wanted them to go. The first two options are mostly for intimidation and to throw them off their game. The third option is used to set yourself up for another move so that you can take them down.If you control your opponents head, then you control their direction.
A good leader will always have control over his ministry. He'll have a vision of where he wants to take it and a plan to take him and his team to the place where God wants them to end up.
Are you wrestling with something or someone in ministry? Have you allowed it or them to take control? If so, stop it! As the leader you need to lead, that's why God put you in the position your in. On the other hand, maybe your wrestling with God.
When wrestling with God everything changes. We need to allow him to have control so that he can lead where he wants us to go. We can't control God but we can control how much we allow God to have control of over our life. When you give God the control you'll find out he has some pretty sweet moves!