In Mark chapter four Jesus tells a multitude of people, along with his disciples, the parable of the sower. In the parable he describes four different types of soil that a seed can fall into and what can happen to that seed given the soil that the seed finds itself in. In case you've not read it or if it's been a while since you have read it, let me take a minute to bring you up to speed.
First let me start with the seed. Jesus uses the seed to represent the gospel and the sower to represent anyone preaching the gospel. This could be a pastor, Sunday school teacher, missionary, or evangelist. Whom ever is rightly proclaiming the gospel.
Then comes the four types of soil. The soil is being related to the type of heart that a person might receive the gospel with. The first type of soil is one that does not even receive the seed. The second is soil that receives it but has no depth, so it is quick to wither. The third type of soil is soil that also consists of many thorns or weeds. The seed in this soil grows, has some life, but does not produce grain. It is eventually choked out by the thorns or weeds. The fourth and last type of soil that Jesus describes is soil that is good and fertile. The seed grows, increases and multiplies itself.
As Christians we need to always monitor the soil of our hearts. All too often thorns and weeds can creep in and begin to choke the life out of our Christian life and we soon become a Christian that produces nothing. Psalm chapter one reminds us that a Christian is like a tree planted by streams of water that produces fruit. For a tree to produce fruit well it needs to be pruned and kept free of dead and diseased branches.
Are there branches in your life that are keeping you from bearing fruit? Do you need to be pruned? Have you let the soil of your heart become infested with weeds that are choking the life out of you? If so, then ask God to show you what you need to prune or dig out of you life to help make you become fruitful once again. Remember, a weed will not come back if it's pulled out root and all. So while the process might be painful, it's always profitable.
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