Wow, it has been way to long since I've written anything of my own on this blog. I guess it's because I've finally had time! Work has been crazy for the last month and a half and at 62 hours a week that doesn't leave me much time to write. Even though I've been busy I still find time to get into Gods word.
I make sure I read the Bible not because I have to or because I want to look impressive to other Christians, but because I want to. I love God and I want to know him as much as I can. He has blessed me and my family more than we deserve and I can't thank him or even love him enough compared to what he has done for me.
I just want to take this opportunity to encourage you to never think you're to busy to read Gods word. We should never be to busy that we feel we can't take time out to pray to and learn more about the creator of the universe! Please, get into your Bible! Love it rest on it's promises and thank God every day for all he has done!