Grace. Maybe that's it. Over the last several months, God has really been pressing. He's been pressing me to extend grace to people, that in the past, I never would have given it a second thought.
Lots of people blog nowadays. Many use their small pedestal in this cyber world to verbally beat up on people. Or to throw their opinions around trying to shock their small group of readers hoping their opinions get echoed throughout the internet world.
I've thought about just not blogging anymore and shutting this thing down, but I won't. Why? Because one day I think I'd like to go back and read what I've written. Who knows, maybe I'll be the first one to read some of the things I've written.:o)
That's a pretty common blogging situation you find yourself in. Consistency is one problem, because nobody is certainly reading your blog posts when you aren't writing them.
Another problem is saying something that is either unique or something common but in a unique way. You sort of addressed this in the third paragraph, but if your core message isn't moving people to discussion then it will lead to your readers silently nodding in agreement without commenting or discussing it elsewhere.
But if you're consistently providing something value to readers, the problem of uniqueness will solve itself.
True enough Wayne. I find myself reading many blogs and never commenting on them but nodding in agreement. I hope that there are those people reading. I try not to be provocative or edgy just for the sake of doing so.
To many blogs I read tend to put stuff out there just to ruffle feathers with no intention to move the reader to think. They would rather throw a grande and get things messy just for the sake of getting their page counter to go up.
Edginess with much thought behind is the way to go. I have a few ideas to revamp things.
Thanks for your input.
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