Actions certainly speak louder than words. Saying you love your Bible is great but that greatness seems to diminish quite a bit if you have to clear a layer of dust off it. Or if you have to search around for it because you love it so much you've forgotten where you left it. May I suggest looking for it in your churches lost & found? Assuming of course that you brought it to church in the first place.
Every time I walk into church and this is happening at my church as well, I notice more and more people that don't have a Bible with them. Is there a Bible shortage? Did Crossway Publishers run out of ink? It just seems crazy to me that people will say they love Gods word and then leave it at home when they're going to the one place that it's being taught. I'm sure when you were in college you brought your textbook to class, you needed it to learn. Just like your professors have power point and throw many things up onto a screen, churches do this all the time as well.
I think it's great that this is done. Anytime technology can be use to convey the gospel I consider it a win. However I do think it has made many Christians lazy in their efforts to really know Gods word. We would rather have a pastor tell us what to know and what to believe. Rather than take the time and put forth the effort on our own. Not every pastor is going to get it right all the time, he's human. Gods words are true and timeless. On Sundays you should have your Bible with you so you can see truth for yourself or be able to spot error if it's spoken from the pulpit.
The christian life is a relationship with God. Like any relationship it takes work. It can be hard and at times very messy. God speaks to us through prayer and the reading of his word. Your Bible contains the very words of our creator, let that sink in! When someone of importance gives a speech, says something profound or writes a book, we listen. How much more greater things does the creator of the universe have to say?
Your thoughts?
As a side note, I am seeing a lot more people, old and young, bringing their Bibles via mobile device. Which is cool and probably distracting at the same time. On one hand, it's nice to have instant keyword searching all of the time. On the other, it looks like you aren't paying attention.
Relatedly, I have been looking for a more powerful way of cross-referencing words and phrases. I found Sword Searcher (http://www.swordsearcher.com/), but I might have to save up for that at $60. It allows for some cool ways to search, like the RegEx method that is used for text matching in programming.
I totally agree! I think it's great that people are bringing their Bibles on a mobile device. The technology used is great. Though I don't see a lot of this happening either. And yes, it's probably way to easy to be reading your Bible and check your facebook page.
I'll have to check that site out. Thanks for the info.
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