Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so. I've been noticing a trend that seems to be happening more and more in today's churches. It's something I've been observing for many years and only have talked to a few people about. Today's churches are really hurting from what I'd like to call spiritual driftwood syndrome. Let me take some time to explain.
When it comes to many things in life that we as Americans take part in, we tend to over do it. When we sit down to a meal, do we eat until we're full? No way! We eat until we think we're going to puke, then we unbutton our pants in order to fit those last few remaining bits into our ever expanding stomachs. It's the same when it comes to satisfying our need for the newest and best gadgets. It's nothing to walk into someones house and find a huge TV mounted on their wall and in some cases it's more than one. We tend to participate in life a grand scale.
Even when it comes to driving, going 70 MPH is not enough. We always push it to the limit trying to go as fast as we can without getting caught. I've got to admit I'm guilty of the same thing. On a side note I once heard a cop use the phrase "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine" in regards to how fast someone is going over the speed limit before he'll stop them. Since I heard that I figure those are words to live by. OK, I'll get back to my point.
Unfortunately Many Christians don't have this same desire to participate in the function of their church as they do in seemingly every other aspect of their life. These are the people that I like to call spiritual driftwood.
You know them, you see them week in and week out coming into the doors of the church walking to the same seat every week, listening to the sermon then they get up and head right to their car, leaving and never contributing a thing. Much like how driftwood starts out a Christian seems to get tossed in the the river of church soaking all they can as they float in a and out with the tide of the church. Never do they find what their God given intended purpose was. Finally after a while they are almost all but forgotten about. They sink to the bottom and never contribute or are used to their fullest like so many before.
If you're suffering form this syndrome or know somebody that is, it's time to pull yourself to the surface and star to dry yourself out. Wood always burns better when it's dry. It's time to get back to being on fire for the things of God.
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