"All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough
You are my supply
My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
worth living for
And still more awesome than I know...." you probably recognize those lyrics from the song "More Than Enough" written by Chris Tomlin. They are great lyrics and in these tough economic times, those lyrics really make me think. Is God my supply and is He truly more than enough for me? I'd like to challenge you to think about and question where does your faith rest? I know these are just lyrics to a song and are not divinely inspired, but I have a verse, three in fact.
Matthew 6:25-27 25
Lets take a minute and pick these verses apart.
First in verse 25 and 26, we are not to be anxious or worried about our lives. Our lives are compared to the lives of birds. Birds don't sow reap, save or store for the future and yet he takes perfect care of them. Then in verse 26 it asks the question "Are you not of more value then they?" Let me answer that for you, YES!!! I really like what it goes on to say in verse 27, "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" There is no point in worrying, it's not going to add anything to your life. In fact in will only rob you of life. So then what are we as followers of Christ supposed to do, walk around with our heads in the clouds and wait for God to drop a big sack of money on our heads?
No way! We need to have a good testimony by working hard, being faithful with what God has given us and keep on working to further the kingdom of Christ like we were called to do.
We need to stay faithful to God, He will always be faithful to his children!
1 comment:
Great encouragement. I'll be honest, though, if I could add a cubit to my stature by thinking hard enough, I'd go for it.
By the way, my word verification below is "saten." That's not very cool for a Christian blog. You need to write google and let them know.
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