Wow, that verse weighs very if your a dad! We as fathers are to be raising righteous and wise sons (children), but what does that mean? Well, there's no way that we can raise righteous and wise children if we first are not righteous and wise.
Romans 1:16-18 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith."(ESV)
For us as fathers to be righteous and wise I think we first need to examine our relationship with Jesus. Do you have a relationship with him? If not, check this out. If so, is it a relationship that is healthy and growing?
The most important tool that we as Christians have in becoming righteous and wise is the Bible. We, like the Apostle Paul, should never be ashamed of Gods word, and these verses give us two reasons why not to be. First is in verse 16. "For it is the power of God for salvation" and in verse 17, "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed".
I think verse 17 really sums it up. The righteousness of God is revealed in the Bible. What better example of living a Godly life than God himself. We need to really know God and the best way we can do that is to be consistently in the Scriptures meditating on them and then living them out daily. Application of the Scriptures is key. You can know all you want to know about God and it will never matter if your not acting on it.
Allow me challenge those of you reading this, maybe by accident, to be in Gods word every day, grow in your relationship with Christ and apply the scriptures to your life. Then, by Gods grace, you'll find yourself growing in righteousness and wisdom.
One year ago Today Peyton Anderson Charles was born into this world. Happy birthday PAC man, daddy loves you!!!!
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