In my last post I told how I was just super busy with work and I was, until this week. I went from working fifty or better hours to this week where I barley have worked twenty! That is sort of the way it has gone at my shop for the last six years I've worked there. It used to totally freak me out and fill me with worry every time I would get way down in hours and have no work on the horizon.Over the last six years though, God really has taught me to rely on him and to not put so much weight in my paychecks. 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear. While I'm a little scared of the unknown, I'm totally at peace knowing that God is in control and that He will work everything out for my good and His glory.
So how about you, do you often find yourself worrying about things? Things that you have no control over anyways? I challenge you to give it over to God let him work it out. I can tell you from experience, it works out better that way!
I do worry a ton. After I worry myself sick, I finally realize that God took care of a similar situation or something even bigger in the past. Sometimes it takes me a little while to get there.
I have to disagree about the box of chocolates. I don't know how many times I've chosen one and spit it right back out.
I guess I forgot about that one chocolate that's filled with some sort of toothpaste.
i really need to put my faith into action; now more than ever.
not like, SAYiNG i have faith in Him but then questioning Him when what i "knew" was going to happen, doesn't.
but actually having FAiTH in Him; one that He knows isn't a lie.
thanks. ^_^
yeah, it's funny Sarah. How we think we can see the writing in the wall in a particular situation and then when we watch how the scene plays out we're shocked....of course we forget who the director of this life is.
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